Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 64

wagwan everyone!

this week for elder hall and i really exploded! we got a lot more work done than we did in other weeks! i guess here is the story......

Monday 11-3-14

well this week we did basketball in morant bay. it was right on the beach too! it was so freaking sick! i still sucked it up tho haha. i just get off all the time. good thing im not ever going to be an NBA player. but elder hall and i went and saw a potential missionary trying to help him with teaching skills. idk about it haha. this guy is....... interesting with his style. he leaves next week wednesday (nov 19) and im a little worried. but then we went down to georges house and were able to get a potential investigator from it. he brought a friend over and said that he wanted to share the gospel with him. so we taught him about the book of mormon as well as some points in the restoration. he seems pretty interested so hopefully we can get some appointments from it. and maybe one day a conversion haha. 

Tuesday 11-4-14

to start off today we went out to bull bay to teach shanice. we went over the plan of salvation. it was another disaster. we brought the potential missionary out with us, and he went off again. idk what to think. one day something will happen i guess. its just gonna be on his mission i think. then we went up and had a lesson with an investigators daughter. she didnt want the lesson at first but then she decided to let us in. out of pity i assume haha. but she got really interested when we were teaching her. we were able to let her kinda teach herself more or less and she seems like a really promising investigator. we just need some time to see her. she is busy in Kingston a lot so we will just need to squeeze into her schedule a bit. but those lessons, along with one or two more, kept us busy the whole day. we didnt really have any part of the day where we had to wonder where to go. if something had blown out, we had a great back up to go to.

Wednesday 11-5-14

well i taught my first district meeting today. talk about scary. and then to make it even more nerve racking, president brown showed up too. well that didnt help haha. but president talks a lot when he come to district meetings so it ended up being super good. he is a very spiritual guy haha. then we had a small interview. not really much to report on with that haha. just a check up on how i was doing. i think you guys can see how well it is haha. when we went out to teach we were able to contact a referral we got from sister loague. she is so cool! her name is joyce. she is just like a stereotypical grandma haha. she seems pretty prepared. we just need her to come to church with her family. we were also able to see Daquon. that kid has got a lot to go through but he is making some great strides so far. it should be fun seeing him apply the atonement even more in the next little while. we were also able to have a small lesson with a potential investigator. we started off just talking to her but were able to move the conversation into a lessons about our purpose.

Thursday 11-6-14

today was a bit of a tougher day. we had a lot of things that just kinda blew out on us. we had a really good day planned, but things just went a little bit down hill. we did get to see a new less active. she moved over from spanish town a little while ago but we just found her. she was in the other branch from where i was serving so i dont really know her that well. we just kinda introduced ourselves for today. next time we hope to get started back into teaching her the missionary lessons. we also were able to have another lesson with joyce. we went over the plan of salvation cause her sister/friend died like right after we left yesterday. she like it and thought that it made a ton of sense. so things are really looking up. i also had to teach a mission prep class tonight so that was a bit weird. i always feel bad when i teach these things haha. it just reminds me that i was a fisher price (wanna be) tool back home when it came to all this. i feel so bad haha. 

Friday 11-7-14

well, today was pretty lame. we had a pretty good day planned out again, and everything just blew out. i felt pretty bad too cause we brought Sheika with us and she gets pretty down when things blow out. she should be turning in her mission papers soon so she will get that on her own here soon haha. friday night activity was pretty lame again. hopefully next week it will be better. we have karaoke planned. should be better than having some teenage girls scream in my ear ;) 

Saturday 11-8-14

it was a hard day again today. the week started out good and then died out. but i look forward to having better days haha. we were able to see sister loagues granddaughter today and the lesson was pretty good. we did a restoration lesson. she seemed to understand it and even committed to being baptized. we will see what happens tho. she has been taught in the past and was dropped before for not doing anything. we were also able to see our potential investigator Lorane today too. we went over the plan of salvation. she was a bit hesitant on some parts of it but i think that she really liked it. we are gonna call her and follow up on her reading the pamphlet again soon. i really look forward to teaching her. im way jealous of her family haha. its just such a happy family. something i have not seen in a very long time.

Sunday 11-9-14

another hard day. the only lesson we were able to get in today was a lesson with our recent convert stevin. he is very knowledgeable in the gospel so i always feel stupid trying to teach him haha. but we talked a little about patriarchal blessings and he wants to get one. it should be interesting to see that happen haha. we had like 31 people come to church today too so thats way good. i just want it to increase haha. this branch needs to be a part of the stake here soon. but it needs to be a ward first, or at least meet the qualifications to do so haha. soon come tho, soon come.

so thats the week. it started out good, and kinda died down a bit. but this next week should be really good. elder hall and i are able to keep busy and thats never a bad thing. now we just need some results haha.


Elder Kurt Meacham

Scripture Thought

1 Corinthians 2:9

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