Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 63

hey everyone! :D

so this week in yallahs was pretty good. 

Monday 10-27-14

today was one of those relaxing days. after we got back from morant bay we just kinda cleaned the house. so not really that much was done. i did finally get some mtn. dew so im back on that crap haha :) we didnt really get any teaching done today. our only lesson went a bit long with the talking so we just did intros and then had to go. but really i liked today a lot :D

Tuesday 10-28-14

today was so strange. i had to deal with someone having some emotional instability. thats never a fun thing. the only thing that we could really do was talk about the atonement of jesus christ. we were there for a bit of a predrop lesson but we decided that that probably would not be the best thing to do at this point. we gave a baptism day to pray about and they said that they would do it. so we will see how that goes. then after lunch we went and did some service for sister loague. we chopped a bunch of bush and then burned it. it was actually a ton of fun haha. then we went up and had a lesson with Sheikas aunt. im not sure if her prayer about joseph smith is a truly sincere one but maybe. something said tonight seemed to spark some interest so im excited to see where that leads us.

Wednesday 10-29-14

well it was zone meeting today so i had an extra week before i have to do district meeting haha. but we did have to go into kingston for it. but the meeting was super good. we had a great DLC before zone meeting that really helped get the stress of being a DL down a bit. then the meeting just had some fantastic topics that were discussed. we even got a chance to apply them when we got back to Yallahs. we had a lesson with one member in the branch that wants to serve a mission. we were asking him some pretty inspired questions and the lesson was absolutely awesome! the spirit was so strong. the member has got to go through a lot of things before he can go on a mission but i have so much faith that he will be on a mission one day! he is willing to do whatever it takes to get on one. its gonna be awesome to see what he goes through in the next 6 months. i also got my spark back for being out here so that feels super good as well.

Thursday 10-30-14

we had a super good day today. but it didnt really start until the evening. the majority of the day we saw some less active members. a lot of things blew out so things were a bit rough in the morning. but the evening made it worth the wait. we went out and did some finding in the scheme we live in and met a young lady and a male. they started to talk to us and brought up the church really fast. they dont know much about it but they asked us why we serve missions and what makes us different from everyone else. so we basically taught them the whole restoration while walking to their home! then the girl asked us what happens to marriage heaven and we freaked out there! we started talking about temple sealings a bit. they seem really interested and they are defiantly some kingdom builders. i so hope that its like the time that we found Janet in Port Antonio. Yallahs is starting to boom!

Friday 10-31-14

well to be honest, things were a bit lame today. super planning was long and snackless. all of our appointments fell through. and like no one came to friday night activty. ive had better days.....

Saturday 11-1-14

wow its november already. 9 months left. thats super scary. most of our day today was filled with us being in the international day of service. but i didnt do too much haha. i was running some errands for it like the whole time with elder newcomb. but we had a good turnout. like 30 people came, a lot more than we thought. we also went out and saw shanice. well, she may be moving to negril for a job. right now we need to teach her as many lessons as possible so that she can be more ready when she goes out to negril. we'll see what happens tho haha. from the sounds of it, they were plans, not set in stone things. we had a lesson with george and leonard as well. man are these 2 great. they are so passionate about the gospel. i think every time that i have gone there they have said, without fail, i will never leave the church. its not an option." man does that feel good to hear. so wish i was like that before haha.

Sunday 11-2-14

today was pretty good. we didnt have an investigator come to church. testimony meeting was kinda scary tho. we had 2 members come up and give weird ones. one was a crazy guy, you can expect what happened there. then a member got up and just told everyone off for offending her and said "im not trying to be mean and all". people were not happy with it. i think she was rebuked in the next 2 testimonies and then after sacrament she was being pointed at. i felt bad but also, she shouldnt have done that. then most of our lessons fell through during the day again. so not much teaching really done. we did get to read with Daquon tho. i cant wait to see that kid go on a mission. he is going through so much right now and he takes it like a champ. he is gonna be a super stud missionary!

so really thats the week. not too much happened but we did get a good Cornelius experience on thursday. hopefully things can work out super well with that. but the mission is getting closer to an end, which means that i am getting closer to a bawl fest! things out here are just too good to be true, but they are true. this is something that i will never trade for anything. i would "sell everything to have the pearl of great price" that i have found here. not again at least haha.


Elder Kurt Meacham

Scripture Thought

D&C 18:38

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