Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 59

Hey everyone!!


conference is defiantly the best time of the year! I learned so many things from conference. I even had questions answered that I didn't even know I had. I never go into conference with questions cause I know that every concern that I have will be answered. but its so amazing how these people just know what to say. the Spirit is so real and the church is so true!


Monday 9-29-14


today was a great day. it was a big time blessing. first off it was another relaxing day. we were able to just sit around the house and relax to some music for the day. then we went and talked to sister Thomas and tianna for a bit to just say hi. we were going to see sister Russell but she was up in longwood. but after we got done talking to them we went up there. we shared a small message from the last conference to get them pumped up for this one. they are probably the main family we will stop by a lot cause they are close by to where we mostly go. just stopping by people is such a great thing. it builds so much trust. so going to do that back home. its called home teaching haha.


Tuesday 9-30-14


I had such a terrible day. I really think that it was productive but I was just in such a bad mood today. we did service for sister Russell and barrington to start the day off tho. we really have got to find more chances to do service. if we aren't going to be teaching cause the work is slow then we might as well go get our hands and clothes dirty. plus it will keep me busy. I rally am tired of just sitting around. it has onlyi made me realize how much that I hate idleness. santa cruz is so bad with that. but that's going to change. I will not leave here until something happens. then that's when I got pissed. some stuff was said in the house that I took kinda offensive. it ended up ruining my whole day. but its all worked out now I talked about it with the other elders so we all good now. then we went up to the church and taught seminary. I really need to get the book of Mormon teaching guide along with everything else. they are such great tools! they give you so much info! one day tho. right now I have other things to focus on haha.


Wednesday 10-1-14


wow its October already. means I got 10 months left. crap. that's not good haha. today was a pretty good day. districet meeting was super good to start off. something told me that it was what I was needing to hear. we talked about preparing to receive revelation. that is some4thing that I really have got to work on. so I better start now haha. really the only thing that happened today was that I taught seminary again. elder phippen and kuehn had an appointment that they had to got to so we switched days for the week. I love teaching seminary so I will take whatever chance that I get to teach it haha :)


Thursday 10-2-14


it was a very good day today. all the lessons we had involved us just talking to people. it was so relaxing. I felt more like a missionary than ever before. I really felt tht we were productive and our time was very well spent. we talked to sister Dunkley for our morning appointment for like 2 hours. just through that she told us why she has not been coming to church as much lately. it was so much more effective than trying to throw scriptures in her face. then we talked to shane, sister stones husband, for like an hour after lunch. I thought that it was productive cause he can gain trust in the missionaries for in the future. then we ended up talking to keith for like and hour and barrington for an hour as well. things just feel so much more productive. I really think that more concerns were solved today than ever before. now I just need to get this skill perfected haha. im still having trouble talking a lot in lessons tho. I feel bad cause elder danvers does a lot of talking. I need to talk more and I know that. I may have to learn to cut into conversations but we'll see what happens.


Friday 10-3-14


man there was a crazy storm today. it was almost pitch black at 4:30 today. we just got done with a lesson with sister Russell and started to walk away and had to take shelter at sister Thomas house right across the street. storms here are so awesome. they just come down so hard and the lightning is so crazy! Friday night activity was way sick as well. I was the only one really doing anything in it as a missionary but it was way fun. I like hanging out with the others a lot more anyways. makes me feel like a normal person haha.


Saturday 10-4-14


so today was conference. the super bowl for missionaries. and its so true haha. I love it with all my heart. ill give all of my favorite talks as the scripture thoughts. I thought that the talks applied to people really well. I learned a lot in it. Mickailia was able to show up as well. she only came for the afternoon session today but oh well. I wish that she coulda heard Uchtdorf and Andersen talk. they gave some really good ones that I thought applied to her so well. oh well. she'll get the talks later haha :) I cant wait for tomorrow tho. there should be some great talks. I find it interesting how my desires have changed out here on my mission. they were so below where they shoulda been but now that I am basically 14 months out, they are so much different and so much better. Missions really do a lot to you haha :D


Sunday 10-5-14


conference again today. again such a great day. its really all that we did today. I so wish that I could stay a missionary for conference cause they are so awesome. but ill have to see what its like at home first haha. I don't really have anything to compare it too.



so that's the week. sorry the letters are so short. not much is really going on right now. soon come things will get better.



Elder Kurt Meacham


Scripture Thought

all from this conference.

Lynn G Robbins

Dieter F Uchtdorf (Saturday morning)

D Todd Christofferson

Dallin H Oaks

Neil L Andersen

Tad R Callister

Henry B Eyring (sunday morning)

Thomas S Monson (sunday morning)

Richard G Scott

David A Bednar

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