Hey Everyone wappen?
so this week was pretty good. im not really sure what to say about it so ya..... here it is i guess:
Monday 5-26-14
today was just a relaxing Pday. we had a lot of time to kill on our hands so we stayed at the house and just rested up. missionary work gets tiring haha. we then went and picked up Sherefah to go to Chayannes. the lesson with Chayanne was pretty good. we just read the first chapter of the Book of Mormon with her. her attention span is a bit small so we kept the lesson pretty short. but we did get a new investigator from the lesson too. its Chayannes aunt Shelly. she joined us for the lesson and we set a return appointment to specifically see her. she has some really good desires. it should be pretty interesting to teach her as well too.
Tuesday 5-27-14
today we did some service in the morning for someone we want to teach. her name is Christine. she was doing some stuff to her lawn when we passed by one day so we came back today to help her out with other things. service has been a big part of us getting to teach people so we continue to use up the 4 hours of service per week we have. by the end of the week we have no time left for it. but we set up a return appointment for later in the week so im really excited about that. the only other lesson that we had today was with Chris and his mom. we went over and talked about chris serving a mission. his mom said that she woundnt hold him back from coming to church, even tho she has been the past little bit. she is going to support him but its gonna be a little bit of time before we can really get them all coming on a consistent basis. it was kinda a short day with all of this stuff but it was still a pretty good day. oh ya just so that everyone knows (and to freak the mom out a bit ;) ) one spot in our area was closed down today. some guy got shot with an M16 or something when we were right down the street. i never heard any of the shots haha. but i did hear that the cops found like 27 bullets at the scene. Jamaica crazy man haha :D
Wednesday 5-28-14
so today was a pretty good day i guess. we had zone meeting to start off with. the power was out in the church so it got pretty hot inside. we had to move rooms to where the power was actually working. but other than that it was good haha. the next lesson we had was a lesson with Ricky. we were gonna prep Christinea on it but Ricky came walking up wanting to have a lesson so we had one with him there on Chrstineas veranda. it was an ok lesson. it seems that we didnt really move on when we were supposed to. we will be better then next time tho. then the next lesson we had was with Chayanne. we were going to go over the plan of salvation but i forgot some cards we wanted to bring so that it was a little bit more fun for her. so instead we went over the book of mormon just a bit. mostly just read with her. but sister russell came in and gave some pretty good input with it. we did catch a couple of points in some doctrine that we need to go over again but thats not a big concern. we then stopped by the McCalla house for our last appointment. we were gonna share a thought with them but Sherefah suddenly had us clean up a wedding dress that she was using the next day for school. she had messed it up so she had us "dry clean" it. meaning it was dry, but it was getting cleaned. idk..... but we did that for an hour and then had to go home to keep the rules haha.
Thursday 5-29-14
to start the day off we went back over to Christine, the lady we did service for. the lesson with her went really well. she explained that the things that she likes in a church is basically everything that we do in this church, even tho she doesnt know that we do that haha. i really think that she will be baptized soon. we are planning on extending the 28th of June as her baptism day. once we see her next week we will do that. we feel like we need just a bit of doctrine taught first before a day is set. but she is very prepared for the gospel and i look forward to teaching her for the next little bit! later in the day we went over to Shelly, chayannes aunt, and had a really good lesson with her. its kinda weird. her whole countenance changes when she sits in lessons with us. she is strict with the kids there, but is super calm when she sees us. the good thing also is that we can get through the lessons that we have planned. we seem to be moving onto each point easier. thats super good. then later in the day while playing some indoor football, i floured one of the elders. it was super funny. its a custom in jamaica to flour someone on their birthday so thats what i did. i will send you some pics if i can.
Friday 5-30-14
so today we didnt do service to start off haha. we had to super plan first. kinda sucks but we were able to get some snacks before so it wasnt so bad haha. one lesson we had today was with matthew cardoza. he opened up to us about some things taht he has a hard time believing in. i want to help him but at the same time it might need to go to a professional. we'll have to see what happens tho. the last lesson of the day was with Ricky. this time we took him over to the Campbells tho. it was a really good lesson. he understood what was being said, we were able to get through all the points, and the campbells did a really good job at teaching the lesson. they are still a bit new to it but that will change in no time at all. they bore their testimonys and i think that it really helped Ricky out a lot. im super excited to have the campbells teach tho. they are just so solid! :D
Saturday 5-31-14
so we now have one week until Elder Holland comes down to the island! im am so super stoked for that! the first thing that we did today was go and chop through the "forest" in Christineas back yard. the grass back there was just super tall. it took us like 90 minutes to get the thing done, which really is a pretty good time. she wants to help us out with missionary work as well so we are really trying to get her to fellowship a lot of people. afterwards we went and saw Chayanne. this time we taught her just the first part of the Plan of Salvation. we are gonna put it in like 2-3 lessons for her so that its easy to understand. she understood it pretty well but i forgot my cards again. we will get it in the next time tho haha. we also went to Christinea and prepped her for the next lesson that we have with Ricky. we talked about the Book of Mormon so that we can share that with him. after that we went and played ball haha. its still a super fun thing to do and we can really find people from it. then we went over to the campbells home with Christine and talked about the restoration. as normal, another great lesson. the campbells are just solid haha.
Sunday 6-1-14
wo when did June come in so fast?! im almost a year out! what the heck? today was super cool tho. the church was packed! there were about 150 people at church! thats the most that there has been since i have been here! we normally get like 120 or so but we had to open the over flow today! so cool! thats really about it tho. we had a lesson with the campbells that was ok. kinda flip flopped. after that we just went in and gave our numbers and had dinner. so kinda a short day haha.
so the members are really getting into missionary work. its super cool. i so wish i had done that back home. but i never saw the missionaries around haha. utah i guess. oh well.
Elder Kurt Meacham
Scripture Thought
Mosiah 3:19
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