Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 32

Hey Everyone!

this week was just super amazing! and the best part was that we got to spend the last part of it in conference! i have really come to love conference so much while out here on my mission. i am never going to miss another conference in my life. and i will never not take notes in it haha.

3-31-14 Monday

SO Pday was pretty.....ok today. we had to get me a new bike rim for my bike cause my other one is just sucking up really bad. it is tearing the valve stem on my tubes so i am spending too much on them. it ended up costing me close to $3000 just to get a new rim and tube. maybe ill just try to convince president brown that i need to have a car for the rest of my mission haha. the lessons we had today tho were pretty good. we helped one of the youts get ready for the temple trip (yout is not a typo, thats patois for youth). Britteny, the yout, is pretty excited for it. the problem that most youts in Jamaica have right now is finding names of their family. Jamaica is not the best at keeping records for families, that is if a family is there. marriage certificates are kinda rare here cause people dont get married. they just move in together and say they are married in their hearts. so stupid. really that was all the lessons we had. kinda a slow day haha.

4-1-14 Tuesday

well i tried to fix my bike today by myself. it didnt work out to well. i took off the wheel, and realized that i couldnt do it myself. so i had to go to the bike shop and have them fix the whole thing. which cost me another $1000 or so. i have now spent more money fixing that bike than it cost me to get the thing. at least i didnt spend $20,000 like some other missionaries do when they get here haha. i only spent the $7000. also, it rained so hard today! we got stuck at Nakeitha's during the storm for like 40 minutes! we then decided that we needed to ride home in the rain for the 300 yards. during the ride home i was soaked from head to toe! the water was clear up! major flood in our living scheme! it was so cool! every time that pedaled, my foot would go for a 6 inch swim on the down stroke haha! i so with that i had a video of it but i dont :( that night we also had a lesson with Gary and Nicole. its really hard to meet with them because of the work schedule that Gary has. luckily this week was a good week for him. we taught them the Plan of Salvation. Gary loved the spirit world in the aspect that people will get a fair chance if they have never heard of Jesus Christ before. so we had a really good lesson with them. we also went over and saw the Cardoza family. we had a lesson with them on happiness. Elder Norman has been having some funny questions so we used one of those for the topic of the lesson. they loved it a lot. the spirit was defiantly felt.

4-2-14 Wednesday

So today elder norman had his first district meeting. he did a really good job haha. we then went on a tradeoff. i went with Elder Layton and Elder Matthews into their area for the day. it was pretty good. it rained again tho. we did get to kick a frog right before it. that sure was fun. i will see if i can send a video of it. when it started raining we took shelter under what we thought was an abandoned house. but when i looked in the back it wasnt. there was a bed there and some cooking stuff. the guy eventually came home and told us that it was "criss" that we stayed there. so we stayed till the storm died out haha. we then had a really good lesson with one of their investigators about the Book of Mormon. i really felt the spirit in that lesson. then i had another incident with a Rasta man. he came up to us and i didnt understand anything he was saying cause it made no sense. i told him that i didnt understand. he then said that i didnt "overstand" (rastas put everything very optimistic). so i told him that i didnt overstand haha. then he went on again about some sorta crap. still couldnt understand the guy. he then asked me if i remembered what he had showed me. i said yes. so he asked me the same question. i said yes again. he then asked me AGAIN! i then told him no. the next thing he said was "alright, God Bless" and walked off. it was pretty funny haha

4-3-14 Thursday

Today was pretty good haha. first thing we did was have a lesson with Nakeitha. she wanted to know some deep doctrine. we didnt know a lot so i just went off of something that elder matthews has told me before haha. then i told her to go read "the king fellott sermon" by joseph smith. that thing has some really deep prepared to have some questions if any of you read it. then we were fed by a less active member again, sister blake. she still needs to get to church haha. we will work on that. really thats all we did today. its not that we didnt do more, its just that thats all i have in my journal haha

4-4-14 Friday

today we did a lot of street contacting in a really nice scheme in our area. we got a couple of people to give us a return appointment, which is super exciting for us. we have been struggling with investigators to teach so anything that we can get with that is a major blessing. most people in other missions have a teaching pool of like 10 or 15, well lucky them. we have like 3. if that. but soon come we will be struggling for time to fit everyone in haha. we also saw Jay during the day. we were going to go over and drop him if he hadnt read from the Book of Mormon. but he ended up reading from it so we are not dropping him and we will continue to teach him haha.

4-5-14 Saturday

so i will just put anything to do with conference on today for sake of time and space haha

we spent the entire day at conference today! i just freaking love conference. i so wish that they would do a general conference more often! there is so much revelation there! my favorite talks were: Elders Holland, Scott, Zwick, Brother Ridd in priesthood, Uchtdorf, Eyring, Monson in priesthood, uchtdorf on sunday, bishop stevenson, and elder bednar. those talks are just super good. also, i love how Elder Ballard approved "Preach My Marriage". thats a joke we have in the spain west house haha. but its true what he said. follow up with everything. even dates haha :)

4-6-14 Sunday

so right after conference we went over to sister blake and got fed again. we were going to share a message with her but she said that she wanted to sleep haha. we couldnt really do much so we went down to Moniques house, a member who wants to go on a mission. she is way cool. we went there and just kinda shared our thoughts from general conference. it was a really good discussion. that was the end of our day tho. we didnt have anyone that we could go check so we just chilled at Nakeithas till like 9 when we had to go home. sometimes its good to just take a break from everything you know haha.

But ya that is my week. the best part of it by far was conference, despite how funny the rasta was on wednesday haha. i cant wait for the next conference. it feels like yesterday that i was in my first one. wo. time really has flown by. i guess its like Bishop Stevenson said, the clock is ticking on our 4 minutes. that is something to really think about. we dont have a lot of time. its not too late to repent but it soon may be. hope you all have a blessed week.

Elder Kurt Meacham

Scripture Thought
All of the Conference Talks that i mentioned haha :) they should be in bold

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